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A range of services and functionalities are provided to users for i) identifying and requesting access to the chemistry datasets that are gathered by EMODnet Chemistry, and ii) viewing, analysing, and downloading chemistry data products that are generated by EMODnet Chemistry:
Download Entidade (2012) mp4
The Chemistry CDI Data Discovery and Access Service is managed by SeaDataNet and provides users with highly detailed insight into the availability and geographical distribution of chemistry in situ data (concerning eutrophication, contamination, marine pollution, and acidification), acquired and managed by a growing group of national data centres and data providers from research institutes, monitoring agencies, private companies and civil society. It also provides a unified user interface for requesting access and downloading individual datasets. The CDI metadata are in the public domain and freely browsable for all users. Most of these chemical observation datasets can also be downloaded freely; however, there are also datasets which are restricted and require obtaining permission from the owners. Anyway, requests for downloading are arranged through a shopping mechanism, which requires initial registration to the SeaDataNet Marine-ID service. For detailed information on how it works, see the user manual
The tools used are the 2-dimensional version of DIVA (Data Interpolating Variational Analysis) and its implemented version DIVAnd, which is the generalisation in n dimensions of the method (longitude, latitude, depth, time, etc.). All maps can be customised selecting both depth and time ranges. An animation of the temporal evolution of the parameters is also available. They are available to download as NetCDF, PNG, PDF, EPS, SVG, WebM (animation), MP4 (animation), and KML. The maps can be also visualised by using OGC WMS and OPeNDAP web services. Three main types of climatologies with different spatio-temporal resolutions can be downloaded:
Each regional data collection is accessible through a digital object identifier (DOI) and is described in the Catalogue service where users can also browse, search and download the related data products. 041b061a72