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Heat Guy J (Dub) Episode 1

Heat Guy J was licensed and distributed in the U.S. in 2003 by Pioneer (which subsequently became Geneon Entertainment). It was re-released by Funimation in the fall of 2009. The first 13 episodes of the show were also broadcast on the cable channel MTV2. A one volume manga was created based on the series, and was licensed and distributed by Tokyopop. The show was picked up for a UK DVD release by Manga Entertainment starting in March 2006. It was packaged in double DVD sets to make up for the long delayed release of the series.

Heat Guy J (Dub) Episode 1

One last note: When I skimmed back through these episodes before writing this review, I played them back at 1.25x speed. It was like watching an anime at regular speed. I hope I never have to inflict this show on myself again.

The three episodes on the disc are dreadfully tedious excuses for monster-of-the-week fights, which would be fine if the fights were at all worth watching. Being forced to watch them all via an English dub that relies on gimmick accents for half the cast made this an excruciating experience.

Plus there are quite a few neat little world-building touches in this first disc. Daisuke, for instance, spends most of the episodes talking to informants and digging up clues like a film-noir sleuth, but when it comes time to fight he has to fill out paperwork to take out a gun and a limited ration of bullets. The city he patrols is a curious amalgamation of American cities, featuring both San Francisco-style cable cars and reproductions of New York City buildings like the Flatiron. And more than anything else, I just like watching this kind of show again. A series with adult characters who all have a certain poise and confidence. Sometimes you just want a cartoon about cool people doing cool things.

  • Drink whenever America says that he's the hero.

  • Drink whenever Prussia says that he is awesome.

  • Take a sip everytime China says "Aru".

  • Take a drink every time a blonde walks on the screen. Have fun getting drunk off episode 1 alone.

  • Take a drink whenever Sweden scares somebody.

  • Drink whenever Russia says "Kolkolkol..."

  • Drink whenever England's fairies appear. Or Flying Mint Bunny.

  • Drink whenever France is flirting with somebody. Another if he "On hon hon hons"

  • And, then, chug down your drink and close your eyes if France is naked.

  • Drink whenever Belarus tries to get Russia to marry her.

  • Drink whenever Italy says "PASTA!!!" "Ve" or "Germany!" Him saying it in non-English counts too - meaning that this applies to both the sub and the Gag Dub.

  • Drink whenever someone mistakes Canada for America. And two when Kumajiro forgets his owner's name.

  • Drink whenever there is a manly scream.

  • Drink when America(Japanese) or Japan(Dub) speaks Engrish.

  • Drink for "LATVIA!!!!!"

  • Drink everytime a sexy man shows up on screen.

  • Drink every time Poland says 'like.'

  • Drink every time Britain makes a grunting noise.

  • Drink every time something seems homosexual or anything just sexual.

  • Drink every time Grandpa Rome mentions hot girls.

  • Drink every time America (dub) calls someone "Dude" or says "Yo!"

Macaulay says: "The inductive method has been practised ever since thebeginning of the world by every human being. It is constantlypractised by the most ignorant clown, by the most thoughtlessschoolboy, by the very child at the breast. That method leads theclown to the conclusion that if he sows barley he shall not reapwheat. By that method the schoolboy learns that a cloudy day is thebest for catching trout. The very infant, we imagine, is led byinduction to expect milk from his mother or nurse, and none from hisfather. Not only is it not true that 71 Bacon invented the inductivemethod; but it is not true that he was the first person who correctlyanalyzed that method and explained its uses. Aristotle had long beforepointed out the absurdity of supposing that syllogistic reasoningcould ever conduct men to the discovery of any new principle, hadshown that such discoveries must be made by induction, and byinduction alone, and had given the history of the inductive process,concisely indeed, but with great perspicuity and precision."

After Archimedes the greatest mechanical genius of the University ofAlexandria was Heron. To him we owe a series of inventions anddiscoveries in hydrostatics and the 80 construction of variousmechanical toys that have been used in the laboratories since. Thereis even a little engine run by steam--the aeolipile--invented by him,which shows how close the old Greeks were to the underlying principlesof discoveries that were destined to come only after the developmentof industries created a demand for them in the after time. Heron'sengine is a globe of copper mounted on pivots, containing water, whichon being heated produces steam that finds its way out through tubesbent so as to open in opposite directions on each side of the globe.The impact of the escaping steam on the air sets the globe revolving,and the principle of the turbine engine at work is clear. We have usedsteam for nearly 200 years always with a reciprocating type ofmovement, so that to apply energy in one direction the engine has hadto move its parts backwards and forwards, but here was a direct-motionturbine engine in the long ago. Our great steamboats, the Lusitaniaand the Mauretania, now cross the ocean by the use of this principleand not by the reciprocating engine, and it is evident that it isalong these lines the future developments of the application of steamare to take place.

With all this evidence before us it seems perfectly clear that theseold mediaeval universities 148 must be considered to have beenscientific universities in our fullest modern sense of the term. Theydevoted all their time to the study of phenomena around them and theattempt to find the principles underlying them. They went at itsomewhat differently in many departments of science than those whichare now employed, but in all their practical work at least, theyanticipated our methods as well as many of our results. The greatprofessors wrote text-books and students who were ardent in thepursuit of knowledge copied out those text-books by hand. They had noway of easily multiplying them almost indefinitely, as we have at thepresent time. Probably nothing shows so well the enthusiastic zeal ofthese times in the pursuit of scientific knowledge as the fact that somany copies of these textbooks still remain for us. Much has been lostby war and fire, and still more by wanton destruction by people whocould not understand, for there were many intervening generations thatsold these old manuscripts by the ton for the use of grocers to wrapup butter and any other commodity. If we only had the wealth ofmanuscript that was originally created it would be easy to fill in thegaps in our knowledge, and show the wonderful scientific scholarshipof these mediaeval universities.

Some of the young men and women were chosen as the actors and had tolearn their parts and be rehearsing them. Choruses had to be trained,costumes had to be made, some scenery had to be arranged, everythingwas done by the members of the particular gild for each specialportion of the cycle of the play assigned to them. Garments hadactually to be manufactured out of the wool, 177 the dyeing of themhad to be managed, spangles had to be made for them, there must havebeen busy occupation of the most interesting kind for many hands. Ofcourse it is easy to say that these naive productions could not havemeant very much for the people. Any one who thinks so, however, hashad no experience with private theatricals, and above all has neverhad the opportunity to see how much they mean for the occupation ofyoung folks' minds and the keeping of them out of mischief during thewinter months when they are much indoors. When the Jesuits foundedtheir great schools in Europe they laid it down as one of the rules ofthe institute to be observed in all their schools, that plays incertain number should be given every year, partly for the sake of theeducational effect of such occupation with dramatic literature, butmainly because of the interest aroused by them and the occupation ofmind for young folks which they involve.

There are three post-graduate courses in modern life that are quitebeyond the control of our educational authorities, though we talk muchof our interest and our accomplishments in education. These three havemore influence over the people than all of our popular education. Theyare the newspaper, the library and the theatre. Some of us who knowwhat the library is doing are not at all satisfied with it. We arespending an immense amount of money mainly to furnish the cheapestkind of mere superficial amusement to the people of our cities. In sodoing we are probably hurting their power of concentration of mindinstead of helping it, and it is this concentration of mind that isthe best fruit of education. This is, however, another story. Of thenewspaper, as we now have it, the less said the better. It is bringingour young people particularly into intimate contact with many of thevicious and brutalizing things of life, the sex crimes, brutal murdersand prize-fights, so that uplift and refinement almost becomeimpossible. As for the theatre, no one now thinks of it as 184educationally valuable. Our plays are such superficial presentationsof the life around us that once they have had their run no one thinksof reviving them. This is the better side of the theatre. The worstside is absolutely in the hands of the powers of evil and isconfessedly growing worse all the time.

Nothing is commoner than to suppose that what we are doing at thepresent day is an improvement over whatever they were doing at anytime in the past in the same line. We were rather proud during thenineteenth century to talk of that century as the century ofevolution. Evolutionary terms of all kinds found their way even intoeveryday speech and a very general impression was produced that we arein the midst of progress so rapid and unerring, that even from decadeto decade it is possible to trace the wonderful advance that man ismaking. We look back on the early nineteenth century as quitehopelessly backward. They had no railroads, no street-car lines, nopublic street lighting, no modes of heating buildings that gave anycomfort in the cold weather, no elevators, and when we compare ourpresent comfortable condition with the discomforts of that not sodistant period, we feel how much evolution has done for us, andinevitably 200 conclude that just as much progress as has been madein transportation and in comfort, has also been made in the things ofthe mind, and, above all, in education, so that, while the millenniumis not yet here, it cannot surely be far off; and men are attaining atlast, with giant strides, the great purpose that runs through theages. 041b061a72


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