What You Need to Know About Vital Karate by Mas Oyama PDF: Benefits, Drawbacks and FAQs
Vital Karate by Mas Oyama: A Review
If you are interested in learning more about karate, one of the most popular and effective martial arts in the world, you might want to check out Vital Karate by Mas Oyama. This book is a classic in the field of karate literature, written by one of the most influential and legendary masters of all time. In this article, we will review Vital Karate by Mas Oyama and see what it has to offer for beginners and advanced students alike.
Vital Karate Mas Oyama Pdf
The content of Vital Karate: A summary of the main chapters
Vital Karate by Mas Oyama was first published in 1967 by Japan Publications Trading Company. It is a comprehensive guide to the style of karate developed by Mas Oyama, known as Kyokushin or "the ultimate truth". Kyokushin is famous for its full-contact sparring, rigorous training and emphasis on realism. Vital Karate covers the following topics in detail:
The basics of karate: Stances, punches, kicks, blocks and strikes
The first chapter of Vital Karate introduces the fundamental techniques of karate, such as how to stand, move, breathe, punch, kick, block and strike. It explains the principles behind each technique, such as balance, power, speed and accuracy. It also shows how to combine different techniques into combinations and sequences. The book provides clear illustrations and descriptions for each technique, as well as tips on how to practice them correctly.
The forms of karate: The katas and their meanings
The second chapter of Vital Karate focuses on the katas or forms of karate. Katas are pre-arranged patterns of movements that simulate fighting scenarios. They are used to develop muscle memory, coordination, rhythm and timing. They also represent the philosophy and history of karate. Vital Karate presents 12 katas from Kyokushin karate, ranging from basic to advanced levels. It explains the origin, meaning and purpose of each kata, as well as how to perform it step by step.
The applications of karate: Self-defense, sparring and breaking
The third chapter of Vital Karate demonstrates how to apply karate techniques in real situations. It covers three aspects of karate practice: self-defense, sparring and breaking. Self-defense is the ability to protect oneself from attacks using karate skills. Sparring is the practice of fighting with a partner using controlled contact and rules. Breaking is the ability to break objects such as boards, bricks and ice using karate techniques. Vital Karate shows how to use karate effectively and safely in each of these scenarios, as well as the benefits and risks involved.
The benefits of Vital Karate: How it can help you improve your skills and knowledge
Vital Karate by Mas Oyama is not only a book of techniques, but also a book of wisdom. It teaches the reader how to improve their skills and knowledge of karate in various ways. Here are some of the benefits of reading and following Vital Karate:
The physical benefits: Strength, speed, flexibility and endurance
Karate is a great way to improve your physical fitness and health. By practicing the techniques and exercises in Vital Karate, you can develop your strength, speed, flexibility and endurance. You can also prevent injuries, improve your posture, boost your immune system and burn calories. Karate can help you achieve a fit and healthy body that can perform well in any situation.
The mental benefits: Focus, discipline, confidence and calmness
Karate is also a great way to improve your mental abilities and well-being. By practicing the katas and principles in Vital Karate, you can develop your focus, discipline, confidence and calmness. You can also reduce stress, anxiety, anger and depression. Karate can help you achieve a clear and positive mind that can cope with any challenge.
The spiritual benefits: Harmony, balance, respect and compassion
Karate is more than just a physical and mental activity. It is also a spiritual path that can enrich your life. By practicing the philosophy and values in Vital Karate, you can develop your harmony, balance, respect and compassion. You can also connect with yourself, others and nature. Karate can help you achieve a peaceful and meaningful life that can contribute to the world.
The drawbacks of Vital Karate: What are some limitations and criticisms of the book
Vital Karate by Mas Oyama is a remarkable book that has inspired many karate practitioners around the world. However, it is not a perfect book that can suit everyone's needs and preferences. Here are some of the drawbacks of Vital Karate that you should be aware of:
The outdated aspects: Some techniques and concepts that are no longer relevant or accurate
Vital Karate was written over 50 years ago, so some of the information in it may be outdated or inaccurate by today's standards. For example, some of the techniques may not be effective or safe against modern opponents or weapons. Some of the concepts may not reflect the latest scientific or medical knowledge. Some of the terminology may not be consistent with current usage or translation. Therefore, you should always verify the information in Vital Karate with other sources and experts before applying it.
The biased aspects: Some opinions and views that are not shared by all karate practitioners
Vital Karate was written by Mas Oyama, who had his own opinions and views on karate and life. Some of these opinions and views may not be shared by all karate practitioners or other martial artists. For example, some of his statements may be too dogmatic or controversial for some readers. Some of his examples may be too extreme or unrealistic for some situations. Some of his advice may be too harsh or strict for some people. Therefore, you should always respect the opinions and views in Vital Karate but also form your own judgment and perspective.
The challenging aspects: Some exercises and drills that are difficult or dangerous to perform
Vital Karate was written by Mas Oyama, who was known for his extraordinary feats of strength and endurance. Some of the exercises and drills in Vital Karate are very difficult or dangerous to perform without proper guidance and supervision. For example, some of the exercises may require a high level of fitness or skill to execute correctly. Some of the drills may involve a high risk of injury or damage to yourself or others. Some of the tests may require a high level of courage or determination to complete successfully. Therefore, you should always consult a qualified instructor and follow safety precautions before attempting any exercise or drill in Vital Karate.
Conclusion: A summary of the main points and a recommendation for the readers
Vital Karate by Mas Oyama is a classic book that covers the style of karate developed by Mas Oyama, known as Kyokushin or "the ultimate truth". It teaches the reader how to perform the basic techniques, katas and applications of karate, as well as how to improve their skills, knowledge and character through karate practice. It also provides some insights into the philosophy and history of karate.
Vital Karate has many benefits for the reader, such as improving their physical, mental and spiritual aspects of karate and life. However, it also has some drawbacks, such as being outdated, biased or challenging in some aspects. Therefore, the reader should read Vital Karate with an open mind and a critical eye, and always seek further information and guidance from other sources and experts.
Vital Karate is a book that can appeal to anyone who is interested in karate, whether they are beginners or advanced students, whether they practice Kyokushin or another style, whether they want to learn for self-defense or for personal development. It is a book that can inspire, educate and challenge the reader to become a better karate practitioner and a better person.
If you want to get a copy of Vital Karate by Mas Oyama, you can find it online in PDF format for free at https://archive.org/details/karatekyokushinmasutatsuoyamavitalkarate1967 or https://archive.org/details/vitalkarate0000masu. You can also buy a hard copy from Amazon or other online retailers. However you choose to read it, we hope you enjoy it and learn something valuable from it.
FAQs: Five common questions and answers about Vital Karate
Here are some of the frequently asked questions and answers about Vital Karate by Mas Oyama:
Who is Mas Oyama?
Mas Oyama was a Japanese karate master who founded Kyokushin karate in 1953. He was born in 1923 in Korea and moved to Japan when he was 12. He started learning martial arts at a young age and trained under various masters of different styles. He became famous for his feats of strength and endurance, such as fighting bulls and breaking rocks with his bare hands. He also traveled around the world to demonstrate and promote karate. He died in 1994 at the age of 70.
What is Kyokushin karate?
Kyokushin karate is a style of karate that emphasizes realism, full-contact sparring and rigorous training. It is derived from various martial arts, such as Shotokan karate, Goju-ryu karate, Taikiken and Muay Thai. It has a curriculum of 40 katas, 100 basic techniques and 12 levels of rank. It also has a philosophy of seeking the ultimate truth through self-improvement and overcoming challenges. It is one of the most popular and influential styles of karate in the world, with millions of practitioners in over 100 countries.
What are the main differences between Kyokushin karate and other styles of karate?
Kyokushin karate differs from other styles of karate in several ways, such as:
It uses full-contact sparring without protective gear, except for a groin cup for men.
It does not use punches to the face or head in sparring or competition, but allows kicks and knees to those targets.
It uses low stances and circular movements to generate power and mobility.
It emphasizes breaking techniques as a test of strength and skill.
It has a distinctive uniform that consists of a white gi with no belt and a colored patch on the left chest.
How can I learn Kyokushin karate?
The best way to learn Kyokushin karate is to join a dojo or school that teaches it. You can find a list of official Kyokushin dojos around the world at https://www.kyokushinkaikan.org/en/. You can also learn from books, videos or online courses, but they are not a substitute for live instruction and feedback. You should always practice under the supervision of a qualified instructor and follow the rules and etiquette of Kyokushin karate.
What are the benefits of reading Vital Karate by Mas Oyama?
Reading Vital Karate by Mas Oyama can benefit you in many ways, such as:
It can teach you the techniques, katas and applications of Kyokushin karate in detail.
It can improve your skills and knowledge of karate in general.
It can inspire you to train harder and smarter.
It can help you develop your physical, mental and spiritual aspects of karate and life.
It can give you a glimpse into the mind and spirit of one of the greatest karate masters of all time.